Thursday, February 12, 2015

Camera51 is a new photo app for Android that prides itself on great results point and shoot


Camera51 is a promising new camera application interface of your Android phone trying to solve a pressing problem - how to shoot great photos of the first play, without tinkering with the settings in order. The application "detects and analyzes faces, scenes, objects and lines and guides you to the perfect plot for each click," say the creators, and actually carried schemes smart cars from different manufacturers to new heights.

The piece features self-framing, as a professional photographer would, and manual selection, where it touches the desired object to determine the best exposure settings for it, and can even choose up to three objects in a frame to the best all-around performance. Camera51 also notify you if there are peripheral objects under that might interfere with the measurement of an undesired manner.

 Unfortunately, everything that object computing means you have to have a very powerful device for best results, no lag, so low-end Androids may have problems using the application to its full potential. If we have piqued your interest, give Camera51 an opportunity from the source link below and tell us what you think about their results, compared with the stock camera app that came with your phone.


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