Five offers a little secret that knows your iPhone could do
If you are a fan, ventilation technology expert iPhone, chances are pretty good that the iPhone is an open book to you. From top to bottom, all device features are second nature to you, and you are constantly helping family and friends discover new features in their own iPhones.
For everyone else, however, a wide range of functionality packed into the Apple iPhone has not been discovered yet.
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Even if you have owned all of Apple iPhone has launched upward to the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus can still features baked into smartphones Apple is aware.
Here are five things a little secret can make your iPhone power users might be familiar with, but most people have no idea.
The number of blocks an communications Mute:
There is nothing worse than being included in a huge group text with no end in sight. Actually, there is one thing worse: spam messages.
Fortunately, Apple iPhones can address both problems recently added software features.
To block a spammer who is sending text messages or messages iMessage, just open conversations and tap "Details" in the upper right corner. Then tap the "i" next to the phone number and select "Block this caller" at the bottom of the screen.
From the conversations I would like dumb without blocking contacts completely, there is no easy solution for that too. Click on "Details" on the top right corner of a chat and then tap the slider next to "Do Not Disturb" so that it slides to the right.
Controls Head Gesture:
Even if you are a power user smarter out there, could not have known that it is possible to control the iPhone with simple gestures head. This is one of several interesting things hidden from most users, and you will find the means to allow the head gesture control in the accessibility section of the application configuration.
As noted in a previous post, here's how to activate:
Open Settings and go to:
General> Accessibility> Control Switch
Touch Switches to add a new switch. Use a power camera, nod then left and adjustment system Siri. In other words, I want the camera to me and when I shake my head to the left, I want the system to open Siri.
Now he's back and press the control switch ON.
You should see some blue rectangles scan each item on the screen. Shake your head to the left. Siri should appear.
Help name Siri Pronounce accurately:
Siri is quite large when it comes to helping find information and make things using only his voice, but sometimes Siri has trouble pronouncing his name. In fact, sometimes Siri can not even pronounce the common names correctly.
Fortunately, there is an easy solution.
The next time Siri messes up his name, only responded with "not pronounce my name correctly." Siri will ask how to pronounce and use the pronunciation corrected advance.
Show everywhere have been:
Did you know that unless you disable the function, the iPhone tracks wherever you go and stores all data location? It then uses this information to customize your experience on some key issues.
This is a feature which aroused great enthusiasm among technology enthusiasts who care about privacy. Apple says that this data is well protected though, and it's actually quite useful if you're comfortable with it.
Want to see the places you visit most often? Go to Settings> Privacy> Location Services> System Services> Frequently Locations. He looks everywhere you have recently been in here, and you can easily disable if it makes you uncomfortable.
Use a physical camera shutter button:

In the camera application by default, you have to not wring their hands and press the shutter button on the screen to take a picture. Instead, simply click on one of the physical volume buttons on the side of the iPhone to take a picture.
Using the volume button makes the experience more like using a real camera, and you will find your hands move much less this way too, so your pictures come out better.
camera shutter button., Five offers a little secret that knows your iPhone could do number of blocks, head gesture, siri pronounce
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