Sunday, June 21, 2015

Insiders Windows Windows 10 will receive free upgrade; no need to have a Windows 7 / 8.1

10 launch of Microsoft Windows is a little over a month away. While using genuine copies of Windows 7 / 8.1 will get a free upgrade to Windows 10, there was no clarity about users. Microsoft had made it clear that Windows 7 / 8.1 may not update pirates.

But in a recent blog post, Microsoft has hinted that while you are an Insider Windows with the latest in Windows 10 Preview (build 10130) and if Microsoft account (MSA) is used, then you are eligible for free upgrade to Windows 10.

So in effect, if you are on Windows XP or Windows Vista, you can register for an MSA and install the preview for Windows 10 free when it is released on 29 July of Windows 10 will be displayed like any other Windows 10 notification Building through Windows Update.

According to the blog of Windows, "While you are running an Insider Preview build and connected to the MSA used to register, you receive the Windows 10 version of final release and will remain active. Once you have successfully installed this training and on, you will also be able to clean install on the PC from a final means if you want to start again. "

The blog goes beyond talk of activation methods and how Insiders will remain active. "Windows Insiders continue to receive future flights as we begin to work on the next version of Windows 10 ships immediately after. You'll get to see the latest bug Windows, features and updates and provide feedback," says the blog.



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