IOS 9 Apple could eventually help forget the disaster that was iOS 8
"You can not ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new." Steve Jobs, in an interview with Inc. Magazine.
Jobs was no populist demagogue. His first concern was innovation (which worked mostly but not always) - to do something so radically different that it would be remembered for a long time - money came in second as it did acclaim. By design, who cared about the usability and changing the way people use the devices through Apple products are concerned. He also believed that he "knew" better.
A famous anecdote often makes the rounds went on the first prototype of the iPod is how Jobs dropped into a fish tank.
"When engineers working on the first iPod completed the prototype, which presented their work to Steve Jobs for approval. Jobs played with the device, examined, weighed in his hands, and quickly rejected it. It was too big.
The engineers explained that they had to reinvent invented to create the iPod, and it was just impossible to make it any smaller. Jobs was silent for a moment. I finally got up, went to an aquarium, and dropped the iPod on the tank. After bottomed out, bubbles floating on top.
"Those are air bubbles," he snapped. "That means there is room there. Make it smaller."
He demanded perfection. Your thoughts on iOS were in the same line. It was supposed to be simple, useful and something that "just works".

iOS 7 faced a similar flood of complaints. iMessage was not consistent, battery drain remains a problem and it really older devices slowed.
But then came along the 8.0.1 update disastrous essentially brick many new iPhones - had a huge footprint, made obsolete older phones and added many features default un-necessary for the system. All this also gave the battery in a great success. But above all, there was also a DNS problem that prevent the devices to connect to Wi-Fi networks. As a member of the board of Apple fan club, it was not easy to digest. Tim Cook and company attempted an answer quickly crunch and never succeeded. He never returned to the genius that we were used to. It just did not work out.
The work had not been satisfied and neither was the cult of Apple. So when Apple first announced iOS 9 - stressed that stability was welcome.
A major complaint was with iOS 4.58 8 GB of space it took to install the update (users had to transfer pictures, remove applications to make room for the new update), preventing many devices 16GB use the operating system. But iOS nine only 1.3 GB of space required to install and that is what we call a good start.
Coming second in the list of changes is the battery life. It will be another hour to three hours if the power saving mode is used. Given the number of applications and games that iPhone users tend to use, this is like a populist measure as one might have expected.
IOS applications 9 also will take advantage of metal, making more efficient use of the CPU and GPU for faster scrolling, smooth animations and a better performance. Email messages, web pages, PDF files and all done faster. Who can say no to the rush of speed!
And then a much needed change is a silent retreat to trust "mDNSResponder." Apple had decided to rule in favor of a new DNS response called "discoveryd" but that had led many topics ranging from the duplicate computer names, random crashes to simply refuse to load pages. But at WWDC 2015, it became known that "discoveryd" had finally been killed and mDNSResponder is back. Hopefully, ordering the Wi-Fi issues once and for all.
Smart Search (even within applications provided you give permission) will be useful as simple touches - like the screen "Now Playing" when you connect headphones or even the fact that the native mail app now allow to add first attachments.
Apple Music and payment are huge trays too, but for now it seems that they will not have much relevance in India, but even with iOS in September, Apple has sent all the right signals. Now all that remains is to make all those dreams a reality. As we have seen in the past is easier said than done.

Intelligent search, IOS 9 Apple could eventually help forget the disaster that was iOS 8, ios7, ios8, ios9, SteveJob, Tim cook
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