The race for the "power": A quick look at three types of batteries that can change the world of technology
While the phones are getting smarter, cars evolving technology and gadgets are becoming more powerful by the day, the batteries that will keep even longer seem like a distant dream. The race continues as electronics makers are still searching for reliable cells that can load faster and last longer.
There has been a great deal of time, effort and research put into building an efficient battery cheaper, lighter and. Gizmodo points out three areas of research progress batteries and how they could bring the biggest change in the world of technology.
First, it's solid state battery. Now, we often hear about the explosion of the battery, even on mobile devices. This is something new solid-state batteries avoided.
Solid state batteries with liquid electrolyte are not full, and the use of a layer of another material - a mixture of metals - that conduct ions between the electrodes to create energy. But that's not the only reason. These solid-state batteries could be very beneficial for automakers since no liquid component in these cells, which can be smaller, lighter and more adaptable.
The Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy is working on several projects to develop lithium solid state or solid state batteries completely sans lithium ions.
Researchers are also looking to address the problem of battery size. In some laptops, the battery takes up most of the system and places restrictions on the construction of a more elegant device. The new micro batteries are aimed at building products light feathers.

The new research focuses on what is known as micro batteries "3D". A 3D battery allows you to increase the electrode surface by them intertwined in microscopic layers. The increased surface area means that the ions can travel faster from one electrode to another, eventually increasing the speed at which it is loaded. However, here's the hypo - "There is a trade-off between power density here, the rate that a battery produces energy, and the energy density, the total capacity of the battery," the report said.
Besides explosions Lithium also has other drawbacks. It is expensive to mine, and not as efficient in the release of electrons compared with other materials, with the slowest time for loading and unloading.
The report notes that interest in the aluminum air batteries has intensified in recent years. They are not just the only viable replacement for gasoline, but could have 40 times the capacity of the lithium ions.
So, why are we not to change them? The report says: ".. The chemical reaction that produces energy in these batteries also happens to come with a considerable disadvantage as it interacts with oxygen, aluminum degrades over time is a type of battery called cell" primary ", which It means that the current flows in one direction only, from the anode to the cathode. That means it can not be recharged. In contrast, the batteries must be replaced and recycled after running down. "
This means that do not really work for gadgets. But the investigation is still ongoing and the companies claim to be doing big jumps and trying to bring this technology to market.
3D microbatteries, Battery charges, battery power, Microbatteries, Solid state battery, The race for the "power": A quick look at three types of batteries that can change the world of technology
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