OnePlus declare the Loop VR headset for Re 1 as an Amazon fashionable, to launch on 3rd June
OnePlus founder, Carl Pei Took to the OnePlus forums to announce the availability of the OnePlus Loop VR headset and a "VR shopping experience" for the OnePlus 3.
As the first company to hold a product launch in VR-OnePlus was gracious enough to mention That was only the second Samsung company to do so-OnePlus OnePlus Intends to make the 3 even more special with a custom-built VR headset. The headset, called the OnePlus Loop VR Headset, will be built in Partnership with the folks at AntVR. The best part of this? The first 30,000 units of the Loop VR headset will be made available for free to anyone who cares to ask, shipping included!
On a side note, we tried booking for free headset ourselves, and while we add it to the Could cart, We Could not ship to any other country other than the U.S., Which was a let-down.
However, India's General Manager OnePlus, Vikas Agarwal sent out a press release Stating That loop will be available VR headsets fans to register for it on WHO's Loop VR Amazon page. All registered members will be reliable to get the headset for Re 1 when it goes on sale on 3 June and 7 June!
That OnePlus says the Loop VR headset will offer a far more robust experience than the Google Cardboard (They Had shipped 30,000 units of Google Cardboard for free at the time of the launch OnePlus 2). They Also say, "Doing the world's first product launch in VR was cool in 2015. In 2016, the OnePlus 3 launch will be the world's first comprehensive shopping experience in VR. Visitors to The Loop will be reliable to order the OnePlus 3 before anyone else, in VR. "
The "Loop" Referred to above is not the headset. That's the name they're giving Their virtual office that's in "space" and, we suppose, will serve as a virtual shopping mall of sorts.
Carl Pei ends the Post with, "This is just as much as it is your launch ours. We can not wait to see what's next, so let's find out - together ".
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