Friday, January 22, 2016

Free Internet: Google is showing us how to do it!

Like you, I've been listening Fundamentals free for a long time now. We have all witnessed a very strong opposition to basics for free by Facebook, of those of us who are aware of the finer details and implications. There are also some who leave because fundamentals remain free because it is apparently altruistic.

Regardless of which side of the debate you are on, you can not deny that altruists are rarely worth several billion dollars. That would be my opinion, but to be able to, you should first make huge sums. As Shah Rukh Khan advised the students of the University of Edinburgh last year, "they do not become a philosopher before becoming rich." He can be a Bollywood star and an actor, but an underlying reality explained. There is a deep rooted inclination in creating wealth. And lowering lines between wealth creation for a certain few, and the world around.

When genuine philanthropy makes people's lives impact. Only free basics such movement is not one of those. There is a larger industry of technology that emphasizes giving back movement. And many have opened their coffers to hand out huge sums as part of philanthropic efforts. Here is a list of several others who have turned their backs on society with no small print.

So more than anything, Google's move to connect hundreds of railway stations in India is welcome. From the point of view of perception and communication, it gets full points. But before taking a look at Google, I would emphasize the points mentioned by Facebook why we have to have Internet access.

Mark Zuckerberg wrote a blog for The Times of India. And there was a question raised by Zuckerberg who has absolute sense. He said: "In the 21st century, everyone also deserves access to the tools and information that can help you achieve all those other utilities, and all their fundamental social and economic rights." I agree 100 percent. Each and every one of us deserves access to tools and information to be able to achieve what we set out to achieve in this highly competitive world - the kind that makes us leaders in our own right. And hopefully transform the world and make it better.

So how do we do that? By getting access to information. The world can not change Wi-Fi in a railway station in India, but is a significant step in the right direction. Progress will happen for empowerment, not wasting time online. Just think for a while about the state of the Internet in India, and you would realize a lot has to change.

The need of the hour is free internet access. No small print. That could happen through the industry and the government of India working together. And the Wi-Fi station Mumbai Central Railway today is the first step in the right direction. There is probably something there for Facebook to consider. When the world around them need Internet access and provides free, then the world will take a step towards meeting their sales targets and revenue.


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